Thursday, May 28, 2009

Graying Prison Population

An interesting side effect of longer prison sentences and three-strike laws has been the graying of the prison population in many state systems.

Not surprisingly, sick elderly prisoners are exploding the health care budgets of the states, and the states have enough budget problems already.

A proposal in Ohio seeks to move frail, sick elderly prisoners to long-term care facilties, with a promise the prisoner/residents will be too frail and sick to be a danger to anyone.

[see the Columbus Dispatch, Nursing Homes May Get Ailing Inmates, May 28, 2009]

Certain categories of prisoners, including life without parole, first and second degree felons, and probably sex offenders, would not be allowed in the ltc-parole program, according to Ohio officials.


Health Blog Family

Now we have a blog family………

Health Care Reform and Public Policy

Physician Group Practice Management Topics

Long-term Care Management News

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Into the blog-o-sphere!

This web log will be an attempt to provide news and views on key topics in long term care, with an emphasis on public policy and administrative topics.

Some upcoming special items:

Briefing Paper: Compliance in Long-term Care Facilities

Briefing Paper: Primer on Wage-and-Hour compliance